• Michael K Johnson
    131 year ago

    @cypherpunks I see some acid comments there, but I’m really glad to see this happening! I’m definitely not up to writing something like this from scratch, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility that I could contribute improvements later.

    Being able to follow my own discourse instances from mastodon and boost then directly will be an awesome start. And there’s lots of room to grow the integration over time.

    • poVoqA
      41 year ago

      I agree. While the initial implementation proposal is hardly better than an RSS feed bot on Mastodon, it does lay the groundwork for true ActivityPub federation it seems. Discourse is a large complex software; Federation will not happen over night.

      • Michael K Johnson
        11 year ago

        @poVoq I think it’s noticeably better than an RSS feed bot merely as described; it won’t require a bot polling, should have immediate delivery, and it will be manageable from within Discourse configuration.

        Additionally, it looks like it would not be much work to extend it to support inReplyTo so that responses in Discourse show up as threads.

        There’s been a lot of conversation on meta.discourse.org about how bidirectional federation could work reasonably within Discourse’s design eventually, and I think I’d be interested in that direction, but I’ll also note that Discourse can be configured to enhance searchability and at least on the instances I run, it is configured that way because being able to discover the information is the point. Anyone pushing for full bidirectional sync between the Fediverse and Discourse should keep this in mind before complaining about the lack of full bidirectional integration.