With slrpnk.net disabling down voting, can posts in a local community be down voted and seen as such by users from other instances?

Context: I am considering creating a community here and want to know that will handicap features people elsewhere didn’t choose to not have.

  • McSinyxOP
    111 months ago

    As far as I can tell disabling down-votes on an instance just hides that feature from users on that instance.

    Thanks, that’s good to know.

    I would prefer if down-votes would not federate

    Is lemmy more aggressive with relaying than microblogging implementations? In my experience favorites/reactions rarely make it to third-party instances (not involving in reacting or being reacted) of the latter.

    community standards really differ

    Couldn’t this be solved by per-community rules?

    • poVoqMA
      211 months ago

      For me it usually works cross instance 🤷‍♂️

      What I mean is that what people consider worthy of a down-vote differs from instance to instance. You can’t enforce a community rule for down-voting behaviour and some Lemmy instances are known for politically motivated down-vote brigading that does not align with the values I would like to see here on this instance.

      • McSinyxOP
        211 months ago

        You can’t enforce a community rule for down-voting behaviour

        Ah right d-; Mobs can also jump in communities they’re not part of just to down vote.