“Profanity” is an XMPP app. (For those who got the wrong idea about the title)

What I use:

  • Debian with Profanity (preferred for the proper keyboard and TUI)
  • Android with Snikket

What my low-tech comrades use:

  • iOS with Snikket

It’s a bit of a disaster. One iOS-Snikket user gets my msgs but never a notification. Another iOS-Snikket user is plagued with that error msg (some bogus msg about OMEMO being unsupported). My comrades are at the edge of sanity since I’m the one who imposed xmpp+omemo on them, and they have little tolerance for all the problems.

I’m not sure what to try next. I would hate to replace Profanity because it’s the only decent text based option with official debian support. Would it help if the iOS users switch from Snikket to Monocles?