• graphito
    61 year ago

    @admin Overall these scaling struggles could be a nice reminder to be more conscious about one’s personal activity on social media:

    - Settle and commit on the website you like the most, support it financially as one’s pledge of membership
    - Nurture the culture you want to be part of
    - Grow its quality content; write more meaningful posts; delete your own clutter; mute noise – especially with pictures and vids

    • Gaywallet (they/it)
      41 year ago

      Thank you for the sentiment. Could you explain more what you mean by “mute noise - especially with pictures and vids”?

      • poVoqA
        51 year ago

        Reposting the same low quality image memes and thereby clogging up image storage space server side I would guess.

        • Gaywallet (they/it)
          51 year ago

          While I’m not going to tell someone how they should enjoy the internet, there are very real storage costs to host images or even create thumbnails of them. Are those the only pictures that you disapprove of? What about vids?

          • poVoqA
            1 year ago

            I think it is more of an awareness raising question. I think people are often unaware that image storage at scale (and conversion indeed) incurs some real costs.

            Linking to external image hosts like it used to be common during the forum days is also discouraged by many as too often these broke over the years and also since they are a privacy concern with Facebook buying up places like giffy for user tracking purposes.

            I don’t think there is any real solution (but maybe some short term band-aids for deduplication) other than people being a bit more aware about their internet use. It’s a bit like in real-life with plastic wrappings ;)