Seems like foldable phones are taking over (e.g. Motorola Razr making waves) and only Apple is missing an entry in this form factor now. Almost everyone who can afford one swears by it with the exception of weak build quality.

What do you think? Anyone has one?

Personally, I’m betting on rolling screens (like Oppo X 2021) which seems like the most convenient take.

    1 year ago

    I’ve had a Flip 3 for about a year and I honestly love the phone, but more for the style/fun factor of the flip over the actual usefulness. I was a huge fan of flip phones in the feature phone era and hated having to switch to candybar, lol, so I had to give it a try!

    Pros for me:

    • Looks very cool, flip phone nostalgia value
    • I have some mobility problems and being able to set the phone on a table to use it as opposed to having the weight stressing my hands is nice
    • Great for reading ebooks in a 2-page view
    • Can see notifs, quick check music, dismiss alarms etc without opening
    • Fits great in small pockets


    • This particular model is so ridiculously slidey on the outside that it won’t even stay still on a level table so a case is 100% required, but hopefully other foldables will avoid this lol
    • Relatedly, not exactly a big case variety for this style of phone
    • worry of “what if the screen cracks” hanging over my head

    It’s been a fun purchase, but I’m not completely sold on the necessity or usefulness yet. If my screen is still okay by the time I’m ready for a new phone in a couple more years then I’ll call it a good purchase. So far I haven’t had any problems or signs of issues at the folding point, hopefully the trend continues, but I do make a point to leave the phone open most of the time when I don’t specifically need the folding functions.