• samokosik@lemmynsfw.com
    7 months ago

    You are saying how Gaza inhabitants suffer but do you realize this was done to Israelis, as well? Thousands of them were killed, women got raped and children were separated from their parents. That’s the unfortunate truth of every war. Hence why I believe all wars are terrible.

    Apart from that, I agree that people in Gaza suffer on daily basis. But is it because of Israel? I refuse to believe it. If Israel wanted, they would destroy gaza within a week, yet they haven’t done it. Are you aware of the fact that people living in Gaza have zero human rights, children are taught to kill Jews before they can talk, they live in catastrophic and have nowhere to hide because all money is spent on tunnels and Hamas’s weapons. This is all Hamas’s fault. They are given extraordinary amounts of money and if they used it well, they could have had a prosperous Mediterranean city. Don’t tell me this happens because of Israel. They left Gaza in 2005.

    Do I think it is wrong? Absolutely YES! I would love to see the state of Palestine which cares about something else than annihilation of all Jews. I honestly believe Palestinian people deserve something else than a terrorist government. Unfortunately, this is easier said than done because the population is already very radicalized.