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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • I expect discussion. But either I didn’t convey my point well at first or you missed it. Either way that’s cool.

    I’m excited for a new game. So are you. The last time I felt this giddy was when a new Max Payne game was coming out. That game happened to be Max Payne 3. I ended up really enjoying the game. In my opinion it was a solid Max Payne game and it gave a really good ending for the character. It also introduced me to the band HEALTH which is rad as hell. So for me, I have a fond memory of being excited for something and actually not being disappointed. It seems like lately that’s a pretty rare feeling for me.

    What I was describing in my initial point was the feeling of anticipation for something. Not comparing perceived quality of a game, let alone comparing the games themselves. The reason I picked Max Payne 3 is because that’s how long ago I was excited for a sequel.

    In your opinion, Max Payne 3 isn’t a very good Max Payne game. In my opinion, Max Payne 3 is a very good Max Payne game.


    " I am hoping they keep it the same and expand. Not completely change. That’s it. "

    Cool man. I hope we both get to enjoy the game.

  • Having lived in Germany for over 5 years I would say I for sure don’t miss right on red. It always confused me that it was a thing most places but then some intersections had a sign you better have seen to know it’s not okay to do it at that particular intersection.

    Right on red seemed to be introduced to help save gas during a crisis. Again, living in Europe most modern cars have idle shut offs. So when you come to a complete stop at say an intersection while idling at a red light your engine automatically shuts off until you take your foot off the break, thus saving fuel.

    Safer for everyone involved, less confusing, more consistent and it still meets the requirement of the original intention of right on red.