Hillary did the meme “liberals would vote for Biden even if he drank the blood of an infant only because Trump drank the blood of 1.25 infants.”

  • @MrMakabar
    31 month ago

    Every country in the world has a majority of its citizens being for fighting climate change. That is including the US. The issue is that all governments in the world are corrupt. The biggest reason for that is capitalism. That is why you can not vote for target directly and would have to vote for the neoliberal Biden instead, if you are allowed to vote in the first place that is. So capitalism has to be the first and most crutial target. Destroying liberal democracy, is just going to end up with anarcho capitalism.

    Also every time we went for a perfection on a large scale, we ended up creating massive problems. There is the slight little issue, that people do not all think alike. So you have to force others to do as you wish, to create perfection. I hope you see the problem. We absolutly need better not perfect and we absolutly can and should do better then Biden.

    • MambabasaOP
      01 month ago

      Again, I’m not talking about perfection. This has nothing to do with perfection being the enemy of good. It’s about refusing to support tokenism in the face of annihilation. If Biden does some “good” climate policy, I ain’t gonna say “keep it up old man” Imma bully him until he get shit done. THAT is sensible climate activism in the face of annihilation.

      Biden is holding the world hostage. He’s 75% Hitler against Trump’s 150% Hitler. It doesn’t matter to me either way since I literally can’t vote for either Hitler. I can hardly bully him either from the global south.

      • bobburger
        21 month ago

        Again, I’m not talking about perfection. This has nothing to do with perfection being the enemy of good.

        If Biden does some “good” climate policy, I ain’t gonna say “keep it up old man” Imma bully him until he get shit done.

        It sounds exactly like your letting perfection be the enemy of good.

        • MambabasaOP
          11 month ago

          And what? You happy with these self-congratulating fucks cook us alive with their inaction? Be serious. Bully Biden until he phases out fossil fuels or overthrow the government. Pick one and don’t bother me with your contentment.