So I’m trying to subscribe to the fountainpens community at and it seems I’m incapable of doing so.

I think the problem is that the name of their community in their own instance is not “/c/fountainpens”, but “/c/”, as you can see from their instance here, so when I look for “!” in our search bar, I get nothing. Even if I try typing on the browser searchbar “” or “”, I get nothing.

Am I making a mistake somewhere? And if not, is there a way to make this work, or do I have to have an account at to post in this community?

  • Wandering PhoenixOP
    1 year ago

    Oh buggers! Well I’ll keep checking to see if the update fixes it. And they did talk about moving the community but were not sure, and some people kept posting in the original one, so not sure where they stand rn.

    Thanks for the help though! :)