• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Accidents are always going to happen, but people falling onto the tracks is a very routine, predictable, and common occurrence with a well proven and widely implemented solution.

    There are always going to be other things to spend money on, but the budget exists to serve the populace, which is why governments figure out what needs to be done, and then figure out how to make that happen.

  • I worry that a lot of the left is going to be hesitant to turn out to vote for a tough on crime cop so soon after we had nationwide protests against people like her and at a time when the stop cop city protests continue to get national coverage.

    Meanwhile, I bet Fox is already talking about the DEI hire who never would have been hired to be anything more than a waitress if not for reverse racism.

    And we haven’t even gotten to the chance that she isn’t even allowed to show up on the ballot in some Republican ran states because the deadline for submitting candidates already passed or whatever.

  • Not 3d printing the final components makes it even more strange to be farming out final assembly, as the expensive part is the tooling and molds for making components in the first place, but said tooling can make a functionally unlimited number of parts once set up, so it really doesn’t make sense to try and sell it out when you could just fulfill all the orders with one set of molds at a central location, but at that point what are they left with? A kit car built by small shops with a subscription model and a hope that the small shops fall into the sunk cost fallacy instead of realizing their at best nowhere close to earning minimum wage and more likely losing money on net?

    It’s extremely predatory, but I’m not really convinced it’s set up like an MLM though, since I can’t really see much incentive for the assemblers/middlemen to set up a proper downline. Feels more like an attempt at an Uber but for car manufacturering? or at least to make money off of would be entrepreneurs trying to set up a car assembly company.

    Honestly though, mostly it feels like an attempt to grift investors in the standard silicon valley startup way, where you promise the moon to try and get established companies and venture capital to give you free money just in case you make it big, maybe IPO or get bought out completely, and worse case you just get to keep the extravagant salary you pay yourself and your friends for as long as you can keep the grift going.

  • There’s a lot of red flags to be skeptical about here, but the first one that stood out to me wasn’t any of the organizational shanagans or attempts to undermine labor, but the emphasis on 3d printing. 3d printing is great for one offs or incredibly complex internal geometry, but is effectively the polar opposite of mass manufacturing and economies of scale, taking hours to produce what can be done with injection molding in seconds at a small fraction of the cost, and it is telling that they are bragging about combining a more expensive and less reliable technology with a less efficient, more carbon intensive, and vastly more complex supply and transport chain as a way bring costs down.

    I get that the whole point is to drum up investment hype using vaguely futuristic technologies while building a company that takes the majority of the profits while farming the risk and costs out onto the franchisee, but surely any serious investor can see through this sort of bullshit worse solutions to non existent problems, right?

  • We’ll see as the investigation progresses, but I suspect it’s unfortunately far more likely to be the more common reason for political assassinations in the US, which is to say that it’s far easier for most people to access guns than afford mental health services and medications, than any actually coherent understanding of what Trump is.

    Outside of Lincoln, to my knowledge nearly all presidential and presidential candidate assassinations or near assassinations have been motivated more by deep seated mental health issues than the target’s actual politics. It’s possible this was an exception, but i’m not holding my breath.